Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Those are currently the two greatest CB Words of Wisdom.

Fuck Twitter. Fuck this self-serving, blowhart crap. Fuck all of these people who feel it neccessary to "micro-blog" about every mundane, god-damned incident and feeling in their lives like it's a fucking special event. Who the hell even reads this crap?

Also, fuck the celebutard universe and spam monkeys that have taken it over.

I joined Twitter about a month ago on an invite from Gabe. Cool, whatever, I've heard of it, why not? I added about four or five other people that I know, as well as Wierd Al's feed and Glen Beck (I think)

I've looked at it maybe four or five times since and seen PILES OF CRAP from the people that I know. Wierd Al at least just occasionaly posts links to new videos or progress on projects that fan might actualy find interesting. AND it opened the door to indirect spam! I get at least one notification a day of someone following me that's just a spam bot spamming spamy links to cheap drugs, a dating service, or get rich quick schemes.

These Supernews sketches sums it up very nicely: Twoble with Twitter and Celebrity Twitter OverkillLink


  1. -shrug- I use Twitter to service my vain needs for letting every human/bot know exactly what I'm doing at any point in the day..

    Oh, wait...I don't.. :p

    Rather, I use it to keep up with a few alcoholic friends who like to go out a bit.

    Its easier than Facebook or Myspace because updates are sent to my phone and we can meet up easily. Yes, I realize text is just as easy, but this allows all of your Twitter friends to see what you're up to, or where you're meeting up without sending mass texts on through crappy AT&T that never send properly.

    I also added Glenn Beck, Amanda Palmer, and Neil Gaiman. This is pretty cool because Amanda often posts giveaways, private parties and neat photography links. Gaiman put up a link to his most recent underground interview, and well, Glenn Beck is psychcotic and you hear most intricate details of his life.

    I like it. It works for me. Sue me.
